As the longest-running community compost program in New York City, the Ecology Center has led the way in providing New Yorkers with free food scrap drop-off opportunities since 1990. Composting reduces our reliance on landfills and generates finished compost, which is essential in building healthy soils and growing a healthy ecosystem. The Ecology Center is part of the NYC Community Composting Network, which is dedicated to transforming New York City’s composting landscape and revitalizing our urban soils.

Food scrap drop-off site at Union Square Greenmarket.

Compost With Us!

Compost With Us!

What can I drop off?

  • We accept: Fruit and vegetable scraps, nongreasy food scraps (e.g., rice, pasta, bread, grains, cereal), coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, eggshells and nut shells, stale beans, flours, spices, cut flowers, houseplants, and potting soil
  • Do NOT bring: Meat, fish, bones, dairy, fat, oil, greasy food scraps, animal waste, animal bedding, charcoal, insect-infested plants, plastics, twist ties, rubber bands, metal, or glass

How do I store my food scraps before bringing them to you?

We recommend collecting your food scraps in reusable containers, paper bags, or recycled plastic bags. To reduce odors and fruit flies, store items in the freezer or refrigerator. A layer of shredded newspaper at the bottom of your storage container also helps absorb any excess moisture.

I’m a business. Can I bring you our food scraps?

We accept food waste from households only. No businesses or other commercial generators may drop off. Contact a commercial waste hauler to learn about your options.

I’m a steward of a community green space. Do you offer free compost?

Yes, we provide free compost to individuals and groups that maintain community green spaces, including street tree beds, parks, community gardens, schools, and faith-based institutions. To find out if we can meet your needs, please fill out our compost donation inquiry form. We’re here to support your efforts in creating and sustaining vibrant green spaces!



Food Scrap Drop-off Sites

Food Scrap Drop-off Sites

Upcoming Compost Drop-offs

Upcoming Compost Drop-offs