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Volunteering in Street Tree Care

Thursday, October 17 4 pm–6 pm

Volunteer to care for New York City street tree beds by applying locally produced compost! We will be meeting at the flag pole in Corlears Hook Park at 4pm.


Volunteers will help remove weeds and litter as well as apply compost – made from NYC food scraps – to street tree beds. Kneeling, squatting, or lifting might be among the physical activities.


Please wear closed-toed shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Gloves, tools and materials will be provided.


Water bottle and small snack if desired.


Street tree care events serve to both create awareness about NYC’s urban ecology and educate residents on the multitude of benefits healthy trees provide our neighborhoods. The idea is for the food scraps to be repurposed and redistributed back to the community as compost through greening projects. Street tree care events are one of many ways we accomplish this mission and your participation helps to further this cause.

Adopt a Tree in District 1
If you have an hour to spare every couple of months, why not spend it helping our street trees survive? Use our newly launched tree map to select a street tree you’d like to adopt. You’ll then receive an email with instructions on how to care for the tree, and invitations to volunteer events. It’s as simple as it sounds – help pick up litter, remove weeds, turn over soil, and add new compost provided by LES Ecology. We encourage everyone – neighbors, small businesses, teachers and students – to join this local campaign to help our neighborhoods thrive! Adopt a tree!


Sign up here. 


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