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Super Steward December Social With NYC Parks

Saturday, December 7 9:30 am–12 pm

Super Steward December Social w/ NYC Parks at Seward Park

Join NYC Parks for a special morning of celebrating and connecting our dedicated volunteers at the Lower East Side Ecology Center! Volunteers are invited to use their artistic skills to create unique signs to protect our urban forest, followed by street tree care in the Lower East Side. Volunteers will learn how to aerate, cultivate, mulch, and identify street trees. They will also learn about the important roles street trees play in New York City. Space is limited, so register early to secure your spot for this unique opportunity to connect, relax, and celebrate your impact on NYC’s green spaces. **Please be aware that there are cats on the premises, if anyone is allergic. Additionally, if you regularly bring a plus one, please invite and register them as well.**

Sign up here


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