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Live Guided Birding Tour at Governors Island Park

Saturday, May 3 10 am–12 pm

Islands often concentrate migrating birds, and Governors Island is a hotspot year-round – nearly all species that pass through NYC are possible here! We’ll check the Nolan Park woods and grassland for long-distance migrants such as Great Crested Flycatcher, Cape May Warbler, Gray-cheeked Thrush, and Bobolink, all of which we’ve seen here on previous walks. After that, we’ll go to the Yankee Pier area to see the Common Tern colony – one of the few accessible seabird nesting colonies in the city. May is also a good time for spring shorebird migration, with several sandpiper and plover species possible around these piers.Meet outside the LMCC’s Art Center on Sunday, May 5 at 10:00 am. Try catching the boat ride from 9:30am or earlier. Bring binoculars if you have them, we will have a limited amount of binoculars to share. Sign up here.


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