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Jamaica Bay Guided Walk: Winter Birds

Saturday, February 22 10 am–12 pm

Join us and Elijah Shiffer for a guided walk at Jamaica Bay, taking some time to observe the birds found there during winter.

Birding at Jamaica Bay is exciting in all seasons! In winter, the focus is on waterfowl. Many male ducks are already in fresh breeding plumage in the winter and engaging in characterful courtship displays. All the widespread species of dabbling ducks are possible on the east and west ponds; on one or the other we may also find a flock of Snow Geese. On the bay side there’s sure to be diving ducks as well as cormorants, loons, and grebes. Other birds we’ll be looking for include resident Great Blue Herons and Boat-tailed Grackles, and the few shorebirds that winter here such as Dunlins and Sanderlings.

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